Worship and Study Program for this week:
Parsha 25: Tzav (Give an Order)

This weeks Torah Portion introduction 25: Tzav (Give an Order)
Shabbat Shalom Everyone! (Text only this week)
HOST: … Shabbat Shalom everyone. My name is Julie
GUEST: … Shabbat shalom. And my name is Natan.
HOST: … Thanks for joining us and a big welcome to this week’s
Worship and Study Online. Our Study today follows the Torah
Portion named Tzav, (‘Give an Order’ or ‘Command’), and is the
second reading from the Book of Leviticus.
GUEST: … It’s our pleasure to be part of this online Messianic
Fellowship program. In this week’s short introduction, we will
consider some of the comments from Walk Leviticus, Tzav, by Dr.
Jeffrey Feinberg, as well as some comments by Rabbi Bradley
Artson, from the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies.
Today’s parsha deals specifically with the consecration of the priesthood. The whole nation of Israel was
assembled at the entrance to the tent of meeting, to witness Moses anointing and ordaining Aaron and his four
sons. With exacting obedience, Moses brings Aaron and his four sons to the laver, and washes them with water.
He dresses Aaron in priestly garments, anoints him with oil, and ordains him as the Kohen Gadol, the High Priest.
They were anointed, purified and sanctified.
After this, Moses takes some blood from the ram and applies it to Aaron’s right ear, the thumb of his right hand, and
the great toe of his right foot. He then repeats this ritual for each of Aaron’s sons. And, this same ritual was
repeated on each of the seven days of celebration. How strange and amazing is this ritual? We can only wonder
and meditate on why this was so important to God. Yet, God does not always explain the reason behind some of
the things He commands us to do. However, because this is a holy process, we can take on the spiritual attributes
of these three things and apply them to our own lives.
For, are we not also called Priests of the Most High—anointed, purified and sanctified by the blood of Messiah
Yeshua? Are we not also grafted into the Commonwealth of Israel, where God considered all Israel to behave as a
priestly Nation? An ancient Hebrew commentator, named Philo, who lived in Egypt in the first Century, recognised
that a fully sanctified and consecrated person of God, must be pure in the words they speak and the actions they
take. Interestingly, he said that words are judged by hearing, the hand is the symbol of action, and the foot walks
the pilgrimage of life.”
The call, to be set apart, to be holy, is commanded for all those who consider themselves priests of the Most High
God. When we say the Shema, do we not commit to serve God with all our heart and soul. This is exactly what
Yeshua did, when He came to live amongst us. He heard the right Word of God. His righteous hand healed the
sick, and walked the path of righteousness. His pilgrimage led Him back to the Father.
HOST: … How lovely it is, to read about Yeshua’s life on Earth. He was constantly in service to God. And He asks
us to follow Him, in righteousness, through our words, actions and daily walk. When we do this, we are in Him, and
He is in us. We walk with Him in our pilgrimage back to the Father.
GUEST: … Yes. And because of His priestly example, we celebrate freedom and enter God’s Presence as
Hebrews, Chapter 9, says. His death, ascension, and appearance “before the face of God” forever changes the
nature of our worship and our relationship and commitment to God. And, there can be no better way to worship the
Father, than to sit down with family and friends at the Passover table—to share a meal in celebration of Yeshua’s
sacrifice and the salvation He brings to the World. And before He died, Yeshua demonstrated His absolute
commitment to His Father, when, in a whisper to all of Creation, He said, “It is finished”.
HOST: … What a privilege it is to be able to sit at the Passover table, year after year, and recognize the love that
Yeshua and the Father showed us. And so, we walk along this same path of love and righteousness, so that, we
may, one day, also say, “It is finished”. … How special is that?
And remember, there are many other good examples of how God works in the lives of His people. We trust that
your walk with God will be richly enhanced. And our program would not be the same if we didn’t include some
inspiring worship songs and prayers. We praise God for His amazing contribution in the lives of the Patriarchs,
Judges, Kings, Prophets and all Disciples, then and now.
Through His Word, they continue to turn people away from sin and repent. Then God will bless them beyond
measure, in this life and the next. This is why we always begin with the song Shabbat Shalom by Jonathan Settel,
which is also sung today by a great number of God’s people worldwide. And, thanks Natan for your contribution
GUEST: … My pleasure. Shabbat shalom everyone. Enjoy the program.
HOST: … Well, now it’s time to sing, praise and worship. Shabbat shalom.
1. Shabbat Songs for Praise and Worship. Enjoy!
(1.1) Shabbat Shalom – Jonathan Settel
(1.2) The Shout Of El Shaddai – Paul Wilbur
(1.3) Yeshua Hamashiach – Jesus Is Lord – Majesty
(1.4) Baruch Haba (Blessed is He) – Barry & Batya Segal
(1.5) Lord Take Up Your Holy Throne – Paul Wilbur
On Shabbat we always begin with the Shema, a covenant between God and His people- what we have to do for
God and what He will do for us while we live on His Earth: We cantor the first two lines of the Shema.
These prayers are traditionally spoken out loud. Practice learning and saying these yourself.
The SHEMA, The AVINU prayer, The Blessing Over the Children

3. Prayers for Israel
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
They shall prosper who love You Father and your holy city. As You say in Your Word, “For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake, I will not hold My peace, until her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch.
Oh, God, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for the coming of the Prince of Peace – that You break down the walls and the barriers of hatred and of sin that separates brother from brother, and those who call upon Your name, that You would establish Your throne in this city – that You will come and take up Your place, the one that belongs to You alone – that You will establish Your righteousness and Your rule – that the Kingdom of God will cover the Earth, even as the waters cover the seas – and that the Name of the Holy One of Israel, Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Messiah, will be a banner and a shade and a comfort to all peoples who call upon Your Name in holiness. Maranatha, speed the day, even so, Yeshua come, take up Your throne and bring peace to this city and to this world.
(Inspired from Lyrics by Paul Wilbur)
Prayer Points for Israel and Jerusalem
- Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, it is YHVH’s city. (Psalm 122:6, 1 Kings 11:32, 2 Chr. 3:1; Rev. 21:2)
- Pray for the quick return of the lost 10 tribes of Israel, as well as the return of all Jewish persons, so Yeshua can return to Jerusalem as their King. (Jeremiah 50: 19-20)
- Pray blessings over God’s people in Israel, as they are our brothers and sisters of the same Olive Tree, upon which the Gentiles are grafted in. (Romans 11:17-24)
- Pray for world-wide support for Israel and the Jewish people in these difficult times, along with prayers to repel the adversary and all his efforts to destroy righteousness. (Ephesians 6:12)
- Pray that all Christians rebuke any who teach Replacement Theology, the notion that the Church has replaced Israel, and transferred the Abrahamic promises to the Church alone. (Genesis 15:18-21)
- Pray for the protection of the Land of Israel because it is the Promised Land given to Abraham and his descendants. (Joshua 1:2-6, Joshua 21:43)
- Pray for righteous leadership in Israel, that they submit to YHVH as an example for the people. (Proverbs 29:2, 2 Timothy 2:15, Hebrews 13:17)
- Pray that all of Israel become Torah observant in preparation for the return of Yeshua. (Jeremiah 31: 31-34, Matthew 5:17-20)
- Pray for the future messianic reign of Yeshua and the redemption of all mankind during that time. (Obadiah 1:17-21, Isa. 66:5, Rev 16:16)
- Pray for ministries in Israel and abroad, which teach about the Father and His Son, Yeshua the Messiah. (Gen 12:3, Romans 10:10-17, Romans 16:1)
4. Opening Prayers for this weeks Parsha: Yayikra (And He Called)
Opening TORAH Prayer: Blessed are You, Y’HoVaH our Elohim, King of all existence, who chose us from among all nations and who gave us your Torah. Blessed are You, Y’HoVaH who gives us the Torah. AMEN
(Jeremiah 31:31-34) “Behold, the days are coming,” says Y’HoVaH, “when I will make a Renewed Covenant with the house of Isra’el and with the house of Y’hudah (Judah), 32“not like the covenant I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt. My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them,” says Y’HoVaH. 33 “But this is the Covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” says Y’HoVaH, “I will put My Torah within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. No longer will any of them teach his fellow community member or his brother, [do you] ‘know Adonai’?; for all will know me, from the least of them to the greatest; because I will forgive their wickedness and remember their sins no more.”
(Isaiah 12:2-3) “See! Yah is my salvation; I am confident and unafraid; for Yah Y’HoVaH is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation!” Then you will joyfully draw water from the springs of salvation. “
(Psalm 3:8) Salvation belongs to Y’HoVaH; Your blessing be upon Your people.”
(Psalm 46:7) Y’HoVaH Almighty is with us; the Elohim of Jacob is our refuge.”
5. Study Resources
(5.1) Parsha in 60 Seconds Presents Tzav
(5.2) Overview of Leviticus – Bible Project
6. Scripture Readings: Parsha 25: Tzav (Give an order )

7. QUESTION For This Week :
Parsha 25: Tzav (Give an Order)

8. Extra Study Resources
(8.1) Tzav: Covenant & Conversation – Rabbi Sacks
(8.2) Parshat Tzav: How Can I Confront Sacrifices? – Alpha Beta
10: Focus on Israel
(10.1) 68 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Israel
68 reasons to celebrate Israel: diversity, hi-tech, fun, delicious snacks and much more.
11. Inspirational Videos
(11.1) Inspiring Christian man born without arms or legs – Nick Vujicic
(11.2) Israel’s Northern Landscape -Galilee and the Golan Heights
(11.3) The Key to True Peace (Philippians 4:7) – Rabbi Schneider
12. Inspirational Songs and Music
(12.1) How Great Thou Art from Vocal Majority
(12.2) The Battle Is Yours – Paul Wilbur

Do We Really Need the Old Testament?
Seedbed: John Oswalt
Why do Christians need the Old Testament, and how does it relate to the New Testament? Dr. John Oswalt shares about this important relationship, showing how they harmonize to reveal one coherent vision of God and salvation.
A NOTE FROM MESSIANIC BIBLE STUDY.org: The independent views expressed in this video are for open learning and discussion purposes only and are not to persuade or determine biblical doctrine.

(14.1) In 1978, a young Jewish man was awakened from sleep with a vision of Jesus. –Rabbi Schneiders

We trust that you have enjoyed this program for Shabbat and remember, if it’s too much for one or two sittings, please try to complete all the links at another time or day, before next Shabbat.
Shalom Aleichem: Peace be upon you on this Shabbat.
Natan and Hannah
Julie (Host)
Natan (Guest)