Messianic Bible Study Program for this week Bible study

Parsha 03: Lech L’cha (get yourself out) 

Shabbat Shalom Everyone.  Welcome to this week’s Worship and Study Fellowship Online. Today our study centres on the third Parsha called Lech L’cha (Get yourself out).  Remember that the Torah, (the first five books of the Bible) is divided into 54 portions which are read over 12 months.  Each portion is then linked to scriptures in the Writing and the Prophets, and further into the New Covenant texts. 


This Shabbat, our Bible readings focus on Abraham who becomes the great patriarch of the Hebrews. In Genesis 12, it tells us what God said to Abram, 

“Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”


We then read about Abraham’s family and his nephew Lot, as they journey from their family home in Ur on the Euphrates, and head west to Egypt and the Promised Land. 

God also identifies Abraham as a righteous person. What do you think ‘righteousness’ is? Check out Natan’s Parsha comment in the Library under “Parsha thoughts for the Week”.  


In the News of Israel this week, we will hear about the 103rd anniversary of the World War One battle at Beer Sheva, a city situated in the north region of the Negev in Israel. On the 31st of October 1917, the Australian 4th Light Horse brigade became famous for storming through the defences of the heavily-manned Turkish fortress and seizing the strategic town of Beersheba.

Each week, our program begins with inspirational English and Hebrew worship songs, which set the pace and theme for the upcoming study. We always start with the song, Shabbat Shalom by Jonathan Settel. And, while you are singing this song, you can think about the millions of other Messianic believers in Israel and around the world, who are also singing this song on Shabbat. We include one or two new songs each week so you will have lots of joy learning many Spirit-filled Messianic songs.

1. Shabbat Songs for Praise and Worship. Enjoy!   

(1.1)  Shabbat Shalom – Jonathan Settel

(1.2)  Hinei Ma Tov Umanaim – Paul Wilbur

(1.3)  Let God Arise – Paul Wilbur

(1.4)  Shalom Aleichem / Peace to You – Barry & Batya Segal

(1.5)  Zion – Aaron Shust

2. MFO Prayers in Hebrew and English

These prayers are traditionally spoken out loud. Practice learning and saying these yourself.

The SHEMA,  The AVINU prayer,  The Blessing Over the Children

Take time out now to honour Yeshua HaMashiach and our Father in Heaven with your prayers.

[This video clips on this site have been chosen for study purposes and do not necessarily support the views of Messianic Fellowship Online]

3. News and Prayers for Israel

Items of Interest from Israel

(3.1)  Origins of Israel’s Flag

(3.2)  Harran Turkey, Ancient city of Abraham

(3.3)  The story of Shechem, one of the oldest historical sites.

103rd anniversary of the World War One battle at Beer Sheva

(3.4)   The Battle of Beersheba; the Light Horsemen’s daring WWI cavalry charge

(3.5)  This inspiring clip shares our pride in the Australian-bred Waler, a special horse that carried the Australian Light Horse throughout WW1. The tough Waler was prized for its endurance and good temperament. As we remember the charge at Beersheba 103 years ago we pay tribute to the horses that made that famous action possible. The Waler is masterfully captured in the beautiful figurines we created to celebrate the Australian Light Horse at this special time.

4. Opening Prayers for this weeks Parsha: Lech L’cha

Opening TORAH Prayer:  Blessed are You, Y’HoVaH our Elohim, King of all existence, who chose us from among all nations and who gave us your Torah. Blessed are You, Y’HoVaH who gives us the Torah. AMEN

(Jeremiah 31:31-34) “Behold, the days are coming,” says Y’HoVaH, “when I will make a Renewed Covenant with the house of Isra’el and with the house of Y’hudah (Judah), 32“not like the covenant I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt. My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them,” says Y’HoVaH. 33 “But this is the Covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” says Y’HoVaH, “I will put My Torah within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.  No longer will any of them teach his fellow community member or his brother, [do you] ‘know Adonai’?; for all will know me, from the least of them to the greatest; because I will forgive their wickedness and remember their sins no more.” 

(Isaiah 12:2-3) “See! Yah is my salvation; I am confident and unafraid; for Yah Y’HoVaH is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation!” Then you will joyfully draw water from the springs of salvation. 

(Psalm 3:8) Salvation belongs to Y’HoVaH; Your blessing be upon Your people.”

(Psalm 46:7) Y’HoVaH Almighty is with us; the Elohim of Jacob is our refuge.”

5. Study Resources

(5.1)  Parsha in 60 seconds presents Lech Lecha (Get yourself out) 

(5.2)  Overview: Genesis Chapter 12-50) -The Bible Project


7. QUESTION For This Week : 

Parsha 03: Lech L’cha

8. Extra Study Resources 

(8.1)  Lech Lecha: Was Abraham The First Wandering Jew?- Aleph Beta 

(8.2)  Lech Lecha: Covenant & Conversation – Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

9. MFO STUDY – CLOSING PRAYER: (Read out aloud): 

“Blessed are You Adonai [YHVH], our  Elohim, king of all existence Who has given us the Torah of the truth and everlasting life within us. Blessed are You Adonai [YHVH], Who give us the Torah. Amen.”

10.  Inspirational Videos

(10.1)  The story of our life: A motivation analogy – Dare to Do

(10.2)  Iran in the Bible: The Forgotten Story – Daily Bread Films

11. Inspirational Songs and Music

(1.1)   Amazing Grace -Celtic Woman

(11.2)   You raise me up – Josh Groban 

We trust that you have enjoyed this program for Shabbat and remember, if it’s too much for one or two sittings, please try to complete all the links at another time or day, before next Shabbat.

Shalom Aleichem: Peace be upon you on this Shabbat.

Natan and Hannah (Producers)

Shevi (Host)

Please leave any comments about this program that will help us improve the viewing pleasure of our members

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