History of Jews in 5 Minutes (Animation) – Past To Future
History of Jews in 5 Minutes (Animation) – Past To Future
Jerusalem: Three religions, three families – Faith Matters
Jerusalem: Three religions, three families – Faith Matters
History of the Holidays: Hanunkah – History Channel
History of the Holidays: Hanunkah – History Channel
Elul: The Sound of the Shofar
The Cave of the Patriarchs is the oldest biblical burial site.
The Cave of the Patriarchs is the oldest biblical burial site. The cave is located in the city of Hebron. – AllAboutJerusalem
Meaning of “Grace” in ancient Hebrew

The Hebrew Word For LOVE – Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know
Do you know what the Hebrew word for LOVE really means? What does it mean that God unconditionally loves us? Knowing this word will teach you how to understand the Bible better! Learning a few biblical Hebrew words can have a huge impact on your Bible study, that’s why we created a Bible devotions series called Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know, to make understanding the Bible easier.
Let’s talk about love, Old Testament style! In this video, we’ll explore the various ways the Hebrew authors used the word “love,” and how they depicted God as the ultimate source and goal of all human love.

Parsha 46 Ekev: Why Does The Nation Of Israel Merit The Land?
This week, Rabbi David Block asks an interesting question: why do the people of Israel get to go into the land of Israel? Is it because of merit? Or because it was promised to our ancestors? Or, as the text suggests, because of the evil of the other nations? In this video, we analyze these reasons given in this week’s parsha and suggest that they all work together to fulfill God’s mission for us – to be a model nation for the world.
Corrie Ten Boom Forgives Nazi Guard – P-Project
Corrie Ten Boom – Righteous Among the Nations – Yad Vashem

Yom Teruah – Feast of Trumpets
SCRIPTURE READINGS: Parsha 51: Nitzavim (Standing)
(OR… Look up these Scriptures in your Bible):
Genesis 21:1-34; • Numbers 29:1-6 ; 1 Samuel 1:1-2:10 ; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

(5.1) Parsha in 60 Seconds Presents Yom Teruach
(1) Yom Teruach, the Feast of Trumpets – UNLEARN the lies
(2) Should Christians keep the Biblical Festivals? – Monte Judah
(3) CHRISTIANS and the Biblical Feasts – Founded in Truth
(4) The Feast of Trumpets and the Return of the King – One For Israel Ministries
(5) Proof that God exists in 4 minutes! – Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (Jewish Learning Institute)
Hebrew Word Study – Compassion
“Compassion” in ancient Hebrew (Deuteronomy 13:17a) – Rock Island Books
How Judaism and Christianity Separated: The Separation – Rabbi Schneider
The “Fig Tree Prophecy” and what it has to do with Israel? C.J. Lovik
Hebrew Word Study – Forgiveness
Biblical Hebrew Word Study
The word is: “Forgiveness” : Learn to say it in Hebrew, and understand it in its biblical context.
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