Messianic Jews believe Jesus is Israel’s Messiah promised in the Old Testament. But they refute the notion that their Christian belief means they are no longer Jewish, a longstanding view among churches and synagogues. ….

As students of the Bible it is important to prove for yourself whether or not Yeshua-Jesus…:

  •  was the Word of God, the Way, the Truth and the Light. These are also descriptions of Torah.
  •  was the Shepherd of God’s People who came only for the ‘Lost Sheep’ of the House of Israel.
  •  lived a perfect life because He obeyed God’s Torah instructions, without condemnation by Torah.
  •  was a great Rabbi on Earth and taught Torah and rightly judged others using Torah standards.
  •  came to establish the immortal truths about Himself, those written in the Torah, Writings and Prophets.
  •  told His disciples that the Torah would not pass away until everything in God’s plan has happened.

Messianic Education Australia: Copyright © Natan Ben Yehuda 2016

Messianic Jews believe Jesus is Israel’s Messiah promised in the Old Testament. But they refute the notion that their Christian belief means they are no longer Jewish, a longstanding view among churches and synagogues. ….